Welcome to the Fife Inbetweeners lesbian social group
This is a new wee group to encourage the gay ladies of Fife to have a bit of a social scene, and already we have over 100 members! Our regular meet-ups in the Man I' the Rock, High Street Dysart, Kirkcaldy provide an opportunity for chatting, socialising and generally having a good natter. Other upcoming events include concerts, barbecues, outdoor activities and joint meetups with the Edinburgh Rubyfruits lesbian group and the Dundee-based Outskirtsocial lesbian group.
The Fife Inbetweeners has an active facebook page, which is visible to members only. Members can use this to keep in touch with other group members, keep updated with planned activities and propose new events. To find out more information, to join the group, or to otherwise get in touch, please use the contact form below. We'd love to hear from you. Please also feel free to invite your lesbian friends to this group.
Contact form:
Fill in your details in the form below, and click the submit button.
Your message will be forwarded to our organisers, who will get back to you shortly.